A Message from the ECPTA CEO – Vuyani Dayimani

Warm virtual greetings to colleagues across the tourism sector.

As tourism is one of the sectors heavily hit by the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve held numerous engagement sessions, including webinars, with trade, product owners, associations and government stakeholders to share ideas and information to empower one another on ways to survive. ECPTA is proud to present this newsletter – Tourism Talk, as an extension of those sessions.

As we now enter a new phase in fighting the virus while at the same time managing the reopening of certain parts of the tourism economy, the situation continues to evolve, and the outlook remains uncertain. The joined-up approach we are witnessing between government and the private sector provides hope, and we want to encourage that it continues. At this time, we plead 10 with you to strictly apply the new health protocols for safer services, as distributed by the TBCSA, to restore traveller confidence and stimulate demand.

Right now is the time to implement comprehensive tourism recovery plans, to rebuild the destination, encourage innovation and investment, and rethink our sector. These actions are essential towards reopening the tourism economy successfully and to get businesses up and running again. We all need to be already considering the longer-term implications of the crisis while staying ahead of the digital curve, supporting the low carbon transition and promoting the structural transformation needed to build a more robust, sustainable and resilient tourism economy.

Let’s stay focused and look at the crisis as an opportunity to rethink tourism for the future.

Rebuild and stay safe.